Saturday, January 23, 2010

Business trip... considered a success!

This week I had to be in Detroit for a customer visit and in Phoenix for training and meetings. I left on Sunday with the sole intention to maintain my weight. I knew that traveling would prove to be a challenge to my diet. I armed myself with healthy snacks and packed my workout clothes.

Challenge #1 - No routine. Being at an airport or on a plane at meal-time... snacking healthily, but never eating an actual meal, then arriving at my destination famished.

Challenge #2 - Business dinners where appetizers, unhealthy meals and desserts are typical.

Luckily, I could log-in to daily which helped me to keep track of what I ate and let me monitor when I needed to be cautious. My hotel and a nice fitness center so I was able to work out daily. I chose lighter appetizers, loaded on vegetables for dinner (I did splurge one night on a steak) and passed on dessert. Ironically, trudging through airports carrying luggage burned extra calories.

So where do I stand after my week on the road? Drum roll please....

2lbs LOST! (Running total 9lbs)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Spark People

This year I have jumped on the resoultion band-wagon and have resolved to lose weight in 2010. Since having Carson I have been up and down (though never as down as I'd like). With a little inspiration from a friend at work and a strong desire to wear jeans without a muffin top I began eating well on January 4th and working out just this week. In order to not fall off the wagon I am going to apply a little pressure by chronicling my success via our blog (apologies to those who don't want read about this... skip it if you like). The best tool so far has been the website where I track my nutrition, excercise, goals and progress. I would highly recommend Spark People even if you don't need to lose any weight.

Two weeks into it = 7lb lost! YAY!

This week I will be traveling on business which equates to business dinners and eating out. It will be challenging, but I'm feeling strong!!!! Stay tuned to see how I do...

What a fitting before picture! Sure, it doesn't show a full body shot, but the double chin and food in hand are enough!