Saturday, January 23, 2010

Business trip... considered a success!

This week I had to be in Detroit for a customer visit and in Phoenix for training and meetings. I left on Sunday with the sole intention to maintain my weight. I knew that traveling would prove to be a challenge to my diet. I armed myself with healthy snacks and packed my workout clothes.

Challenge #1 - No routine. Being at an airport or on a plane at meal-time... snacking healthily, but never eating an actual meal, then arriving at my destination famished.

Challenge #2 - Business dinners where appetizers, unhealthy meals and desserts are typical.

Luckily, I could log-in to daily which helped me to keep track of what I ate and let me monitor when I needed to be cautious. My hotel and a nice fitness center so I was able to work out daily. I chose lighter appetizers, loaded on vegetables for dinner (I did splurge one night on a steak) and passed on dessert. Ironically, trudging through airports carrying luggage burned extra calories.

So where do I stand after my week on the road? Drum roll please....

2lbs LOST! (Running total 9lbs)

1 comment:

Campbell Family said...

Wow! Great job, Viv! So now you must weigh about 90 lbs? because you didn't have much to loose!!! You're my inspiration. Loosing weight is sooo hard.